Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Good Website VS Bad Website

There are lots of different websites avaliable to you at the very instant you click on the link.  However, not always are they good quality websites.

Here's an example of a very good website.  It's clean and neat, and does not take too much effort to " learn your way around " :

it's easy to navigate, and uses very good whitespace.

A Bad design look at a website would be :

The colors are so conflicting you can barely see what is going on.  The navigation is very hard to locate...

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Blogging About a Hobby - sun tanning

The Relaxing and Enjoyable hobby of sun bathing.

There are many opportunities to enjoy our beautiful sun and sunshine during the summer months.  Many people find sun bathing to be very relaxing and enjoyable.  Have you ever wondered how to get the best tan and have a good time?  This blog will tell you how...

1) FInding good sun tan lotion
You may have a "fun in the sun" but not unless you have great sun tan lotion and don't get burned!

2) A good Towel!!
Can't have a good time without a great beach towel to lay on :)

3) A cozy spot in the sun

You can't have a good time without a comfortable spot to lay and relax!

and WHALLA!  You are officially ready to have a relaxing time... but, just remember.........

Don't forget the sunscreen!!!!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

The Good the Bad and the Ugly

In any areas of life there are different levels of quality. Quality of food, clothing, people - everything. The same can be applied into the world of design.  

I will be looking six different websites and six published works and evaluating three good, and three bad in those categories.

Good website designs:

  • Very good use of white space
  • Does not confuse the viewer(s)
  • Good typography
  • Very good use of visuals (not to many to confuse, but enough to draw attention)
  • As little as possible legal and information at the bottom
  • Unique layout, yet not cluttered
  • Well chosen color scheme/ fits their style 
  • Nice use of showing "Our Most Recent Work" with pictures in small boxes for easy viewing
  • The use of applications at the bottom ( Myspace, Facebook, Flickr, etc.) 

  • Nice use of boxes to separate different adds within the company at the certain time
  • Good use of color and texture
  • Very good use of fonts - not too many, but enough that shows difference
  • The "small print" at the bottom of the webpage might seem to be a nuisance, but in reality makes things more accessible 

Bad website designs:

  • There are many different colors that are conflicting 
  • It is a little hard to stay focused, since there is no hierarchy being shown
  • With the side bar on the left side, the search bar on the top, as well as the boxes on the lower half of the window; it is hard to focus on anything in particular.
  • There is a lot on information trying to be given but no direction or organization
  • Having photos, as well as the background art is very distracting
  • All of the links and pages are in different colors, and it is very hard to then know what are links/pages as well as what are logos, body copy, etc.
  • The random photo placement and the size of the photos are distracting
  • It is very overwhelming 
This is just a screen shot of part of the website, the website was much longer and had much to scroll through.
  • Very harsh colors and no consistency 
  • Very tight tables
  • The contact information is very small compared to the size of web page

-----To Be Continued ----


Monday, June 6, 2011

Assignment 1 - What Does a Good Web Page Mean?

For Assignment 1 - What Does a Good Web Page Mean?  I looked at the website: and am evaluating these different questions concerning this selected website: 

  • Do they have consistent headers, footers and navigation areas? Yes

  • Observe how the navigation changes as you move around the site. Everything is pretty straight forward - it stays in one general area and does not make you wonder where to find anything.